September 20, 2015

Three Months

 Jenny is three months old today.
She is one-fourth of a year old.
How did that happen!?

Time is going so fast and she grows every day!
I swear, every morning I look at her she looks bigger than the day before. 
At two months she weighed 12.10 pounds and was 22 inches long.
I'm thinking she is now around 14 pounds and 23 inches long.
Double her birth weight, little chunk.
Girl loves to eat.
She got that from her daddy.

She is still wearing 0-3 month clothes, but i've had to put quite a few things away. 
Every time she grows out of something it makes me so sad.
She will never be this little ever again!

She sleeps a full 8-10 hours every single night.
Hopefully I don't jinx that.
She is seriously the best little sleeper.
Except for nap time.
She is the queen of cat naps.
She'll fall asleep during the day and i'll put her down, thinking I have time to do the dishes or the laundry, and 5 minutes later she's up and ready to play.
She's the silliest little thing.

She caught her first flu bug this month.
It went around the whole family before ending with her.
It was the saddest day, all I could do was snuggle her and kiss her baby cheeks.
Speaking of baby cheeks, she has the BEST kissing cheeks EVER.
They're so chubby and squishy.
I could seriously kiss them all day.

She found her fingers and literally sucks them off her hand. 
She won't take a paci, which kills me sometimes, but she will sure suck those fingers.
She can almost  roll from tummy to back.
Getting her to do tummy time is a struggle because she prefers laying on her back.
We'll get there.
She loves to see herself in the mirror.
We have a carseat mirror and every time we go in the car she stares at herself the whole time. 
It's like she knows she's adorable.

She loves to talk, and she's getting rather loud at it.
She's always got something to say.
She makes the funniest little facial expressions like she's telling a dramatic story.
Sassy little lady.

She absolutely loves bath time.
She can be super fussy and i'll put her in the bath and she immediately calms down.
She loves to splash around and pee in the water LOL.

Her hairs are getting longer and soon i'll be able to pull them into a tiny ponytail! 
I always said I wanted a chubby baby with lots of hair.
And I got a very chubby baby with tons of hair.

She has grown up so much.
One morning James and I were both looking at her and we both said that she got so much bigger and grown up overnight.
I have to keep reminding myself to cherish these times because one day i'll wake up and she'll be all grown up and independent, and then she'll be married and have a family of her own.

Jenny and I have such an amazing bond.
I'm so grateful for that because it didn't come from the beginning.
Every morning when I go to get her out of bed she looks up, sees me, and smiles the biggest smile.
I know she knows me, and I know she loves me and I hope with all my heart that she knows how much I love her.
She is my greatest blessing and accomplishment, and my favorite tiny little person ever.
Happy three month birthday Jenny bug!

August 20, 2015

Two Months

Happy two months of life Jenny Grace! 
This month has been SO much better on my part.
We are all sleeping better and our home is a little happier now that I feel like I somewhat have my life put together.
(lol yeah right)
I am so grateful that life is full of do-overs and second chances.

Anyhow, I can't believe I have a two month old!
My pregnancy seemed to go by so slow and I always wished time would speed up so I could meet my baby.
But now that she's here I really wish time would slow down.
Or maybe just have a pause button.
We still have our days.

Newborns are hard because there is no way to tell what they're thinking or what their needs are.
Thankfully I have a pretty easy baby and as long as she's fed, changed, and loved, she is usually happy.
She recently started sleeping through the night.
Like i'm talking 10 p.m. to 8 a.m. every single night.
From a mama who loves her sleep, it's been great.
Since she doesn't wake up at night to eat anymore, she eats a ton during the day.
She'll take anywhere from 2-4 ounces every 1-3 hours.
She's so random.
Silly girl.

She started smiling SO much this month and every time she flashes me that gummy grin my heart breaks.
I love her so much it hurts!
That smile makes all of the hard times absolutely worth it.
She also found her voice and loves to hear herself talk.
She will coo and smile the cheesiest grin because she knows she's cute.

She got her 2 month shots this month and I cried more than she did.
She was such a little trooper.
Thank goodness for infant tylenol.

She is 22 inches long and weighs 12.10 pounds.
15th percentile for height, 75th for weight.
She's short and fat.
My little oompa loompa. 

We are so grateful to have Jenny in our lives.
She has brought so much joy and love into our family.
We seriously can't imagine life without her!

Happy 2 month birthday baby girl!